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Writer's pictureKofi Asante

Social Media Week Accra 2020: The "Human.X": AI for better customer experience (CX).

Many of these fancy apps promise AI this and AI that, in the features. Truth is, these aren't foolproof, in terms of delivering the promise.

Different app users of the same app experience it differently. It's imperative that Brands make constant efforts to personalize the experience of each customer.

Goes more to show that AI, and machine learning in particular, as a customer engagement tool, is refined by constant interaction.

A brand cannot deliver exceptional customer experience, unless it has accessed lots of data.

These are some of the subject-matters that will engage the minds of digital marketing professionals, brand managers, technologists, and millennial segments.

Social Media Week Accra 2020 will be a showcase of customer experience, via keynote addresses and exhibitions.

SMW Accra 2020 is themed: "Human.X".


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